"Rescuing Baby Duck" is a moving story of friendship and teamwork set on the picturesque Lake Serenity. When Pimpão, the baby duck, finds himself in trouble after getting tangled up in a tangle of seaweed, his friends Saltitão and Nemo rush to help him. Together, they face challenges and dangers in the forest around the lake, showing that true strength lies in unity and solidarity.
Pages: 32 History: The Rescue of the Pimpão Duckling
Theme: The importance of Union and friendships Glossy
Cover: Even after a lot of use it will be intact and in good condition
Illustrations: It's a heartwarming story of friendship and teamwork set on picturesque Lake Serenity.
A captivating narrative that will delight readers of all ages.
Número de páginas | 32 |
Edição | 1 (2024) |
Formato | A5 (148x210) |
Acabamento | Brochura c/ orelha |
Tipo de papel | Ahuesado 80g |
Idioma | Inglês |
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