Quantum Physics

Por Eduardo Mendes Machado

Código do livro: 9724


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Quantum Physics is the mathematics of a wave function ψ.

Wave function squared |ψ|2 gives the probability of finding the particle.

Wave function has all the information we know about a particle.

All things have a dual particle/wave nature.

Which property is important/noticeable depends on the experiment.

One might ask:

“If light can behave like a particle, might particles act like waves”?

The short answer is YES. The explanation lies in the realm of quantum physics.

That is, the wavelength of a particle depends on its momentum, just like a photon!

The main difference is that matter particles have mass, and photons don’t !

In Quantum Physics there exist what are called non-commuting variables, like momentum and position, or energy and time.

I've found that there exist two other non-commuting variables of QP. Much in the same way you can't measure both position and momentum simultaneously, it seems that \you can't both understand Quantum Mechanics and do it at the same time."

Beside the amorous connotation here, what is meant is that one of the following hold:

either \you understand QP, but can't do it" or \you can do QP, but you just can't understand it."


Número de páginas 98
Edição 1 (2009)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Português

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2 comentários
ardevan(desencarnado psicriptografo)
Quinta | 15.12.2011 às 09h12
E COM MUITO ORGULHO QUE APRECIO SEU LIVRO, QUANDO E ESTUDADO QUANTAS DE POSITROON SE ESPALHAM, E SINTO A GRANDEZA DE SUA CAPACIDADE INTELECTUAL,COMO ALBERT EINSTEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ardevan machado(fui engenheiro, agora estudo no espaço, geometria estelar.
Quarta | 30.03.2011 às 12h03
este seu livro é fantístico,quantas positivas para sua jornada!