Hybrid and Incoming

Por Eliel Roshveder

Código do livro: 644331


Profecia, Ovnis e Extraterrestres, Ocultismo, Realismo Fantástico, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Batalha Espiritual

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Because I want you to know how great conflict I have for you, and for those at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;

So that their hearts may be comforted, being knit together in love and riches of fullness intelligence, mystery to the knowledge of God the Father and Christ,

In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

I say this so no one deceive you with persuasive words.

For though I be absent in the flesh, yet, in spirit I am with you, Rejoicing and seeing your order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.

As ye have therefore received Jesus Cristo the Lord, so walk in Him,

Col. 2: 1-6

The fullness in the original Greek text is pleroma, the full power and divine mystery. Paul tells this text that in spirit he visits the faithful of Laodicea proving the spiritual warfare outside the body that elected the Golden Triangle lock against the forces of chaos.

Most of humanity does not understand this struggle in spiritual body, but the divine Pleroma of perfection, his father's marriage and son, go to the elected powers for this fight out of the body as Paul fought.

It is important to understand the fullness of this divine power, this pleroma, to understand this work in novel form.


ISBN 9798224888764
Número de páginas 295
Edição 1 (2024)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Eliel Roshveder

Escrevi antologias de poesias e contos e tenho publicado ebooks na net na Amazon e outras empresas, e agora resolvi publicar no clube dos autores.

Tenho um grupo no face que estuda mistérios e conspirações.


Gosto da cabala e da meditação.

Também estudo ufologia, tendo sido contatado e abduzido.

Minha vida é ligada a mundos paralelos e dimensões.

Estudo profecias, mistérios e conspirações, Apocalipse e mudanças no planeta.

A terra caminha para um momento importante.

O Apocalipse é real e está perto.

Conheça minhas obras e vão gostar.

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