May a Christian be an evolutionist?

Por Edvaldo de Almeida

Código do livro: 766853


Ciências Da Vida, Bíblia, Religião, Ciências da Religião, Ciências Biológicas, Ciência

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This thought-provoking book explores the fascinating intersection between science and faith, tackling some of the most debated questions about evolution, creation, and the Bible. With a balanced and open-minded approach, the author examines whether religious beliefs and scientific knowledge are inherently incompatible, highlighting how they can coexist in meaningful and enriching ways.

Challenging common misconceptions, the booklet delves into topics such as the interpretation of Sacred Scriptures, the evidence supporting evolution, the relationship between miracles and natural laws, and the perceived conflict between science and faith. It also addresses intriguing questions like why the Bible doesn’t mention dinosaurs, whether morality can exist without God, and if Darwin truly claimed that humans descended from monkeys.

Carefully navigating the complexities of creationism, evolution theory, and biblical teachings, the author underscores the importance of context, nuance, and understanding in these discussions. The conclusion reassures readers that being a Christian does not require rejecting evolution, as long as one avoids a rigidly literalist view of the Bible.

Whether you’re a person of faith, a skeptic, or simply curious about the dialogue between science and religion, this booklet provides a thoughtful and accessible exploration of the harmony that can exist between believing in God and embracing the discoveries of modern science.


Número de páginas 88
Edição 1 (2025)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Ahuesado 80g
Idioma Inglês

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Edvaldo de Almeida

Ed de Almeida é escritor de contos e crônicas há mais de trinta anos. Fez três incursões na área de humor e agora acaba de publicar o primeiro volume de uma saga de ficção científica, intitulado O PORTAL DA ESFINGE. É também Matemático e Desenvolvedor de Software. Pai do Dionysio, um grande garoto de 10 anos!

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