
The Dark World Of Drugs

Por Cleuber S Lima

Código do livro: 534178


Guias De Drogas, Epidemiologia, Cuidados Críticos, Realismo Fantástico, Medicina, Crimes Verídicos

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"Crackland: The Dark World of Drugs" is a book that delves into the social phenomenon that has taken over different parts of the world. the book explores the complex dynamics that lead individuals to become drug addicts and to live in extreme situations of vulnerability. The author offers a unique perspective on Crackland, while examining the public policy that has been implemented to try to solve the problem. With an engaging narrative and accurate information, "Crackland: The Dark World of Drugs" is an important book for anyone who wants to better understand this phenomenon and seek solutions to the problem of chemical dependence in our society.


Número de páginas 38
Edição 1 (2023)
Formato A4 (210x297)
Acabamento Brochura
Tipo de papel Offset 90g
Idioma Inglês

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