Alpha Cephei (softcover)

Science fiction roleplaying game

Por Rafael Lopes Vivian

Código do livro: 717279


Rpg E Fantasia, Ficção Científica E Fantasia, Ficção Científica, Entretenimento E Games, Games E Rpg, Ficção

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€ 37,82
* Não inclui IVA.
Valor total:
€ 37,82
* Não inclui IVA.
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Introducing Alpha Cephei: a complete, fully-featured space exploration adventure role-playing ruleset.

- Embrace an advanced science fiction RPG that aims at being approacheable and playable for people with no previous experience of sci-fi roleplaying.

- Space travel, ship-to-ship combat, off-world trading, vessel design, psionics, aliens, world generation and more… in a concise package.

- Comfortable layout for the best accessibility at the tabletop—fully cross-referenced, including a thorough keyword index.

- A deep yet very streamlined abstraction of staple sci-fi scenarios such as space warfare, starship design, interstellar trading, and the creation of worlds and alien creatures.

- Revamped signature career-based character creation mini-game.

- 4 playable alien races and 24 alien creatures ready for your campaign.

- Compatible with pre-existing content for classic systems such as Cepheus Engine or Traveller SRD (no affiliation, based only in OGL content).

The aim of Alpha Cephei is to provide an easy, approachable entry point to sci-fi and space-based roleplaying adventures, based on the advanced rules systems found in the Cepheus Engine, with the support of additional information to make the game understandable to newcomers with no previous knowledge of classic sci-fi gaming.


Número de páginas 276
Edição 1 (2024)
Formato 16x23 (160x230)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Colorido
Tipo de papel Estucado Mate 90g
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Rafael Lopes Vivian

40 e tantos anos, baseado em Porto Alegre, publicitário, super-herói e, agora, autor de alguns RPGs.

Alpha Cephei RPG:

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